Diy Whitening Mask DIY Whitening / Eye / Lip Mask:D Are They Reliable?

DIY whitening / eye / lip mask:D Are they reliable? - diy whitening mask

I have a recipe for some of the mask itself, but you do not have the opportunity to prove myself yet. Just wondering if you have tried all or ever heard. Is it good? Or they have a better recommendation, or (;

Whitening Mask
Ingredients: Tomato 1 / 2 of flour.

1: Peel the tomatoes, the juice from the mixer-filter and the use of gauze to the last drop of tomato.
2: The flour is normally the juice and pulp industry
3: Smear evenly over the face and wash with warm water for 5 minutes

Lip Mask
Ingredients: 1 egg, 5 g of oats.

1: Filter the yolk and egg white
2: oatmeal, egg yolk mixed with a change in the night and bonding.
3: Masks Lubricate lips evenly over the lips and surrounding skin.
4: Rinse with water after 10 minutes.

Fasken Mask
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, half a cup of fresh milk, 2 tablespoons of egg white

1: Blend until paste
2: Massage gently into the skin in a circular motion
3.Rinse with lukewarm water after 15 minutes

Done: D


information seeker said...

OK, I saw the last 1 na, but try before .... In reality, no harm trying coz any use of natural products. it is not as dangerous as the state use chemicals that are coming in every day ...

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