How to help with a swollen knuckle? - knuckle is swollen after punching
Today, my brother was so angry that I opened the door, I mean really difficult to drive 15-20 minutes later, my Knuckle big swells, but (sounds funny). Now I do not know what to do with it, the swelling of the consultation?
Knuckle Is Swollen After Punching How To Help With A Swollen Knuckle?
5:59 PM
Heres a tip Nextime his brother tried the door, because HES is not sweeter than the door knocking
Heres a tip Nextime his brother tried the door, because HES is not sweeter than the door knocking
When the ice. For 5 minutes and 10 minutes. After a few hours when you are on the level, the use of heat, the rice and the model is a good idea. --- DONT USE Icy Hot for muscles! never goes out of heat or ice, you have Thomas take-off, etc. ..
Take Advil or ibuprofen, another of its anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling, so that should be.
If it less painful, wrap it with an ACE bandage.
At least painful, often touching his hand. Cells, called osteoblasts are the reconstruction of the bone and the energy of motion of the hand you work faster.
PS Use your other hand to punch the lights of his brother;)
Good luck,
First, put it on ice and wait until it is melted. Then get a sock, put some rice into the sock, and the average humidity. Place in microwave for 2 minutes. Then put your finger. Repeat this routine once or twice a day every day until his swollen more.
Bones break easily. I suggested a number of things in my life .. lmao. but usually if u will go to the doctor did not do much. I want to just put ice on it and take some ibuprofen and see how he does it. will probably be sore for a while. But if you think its bad enough to go to the doctor, go ahead. You can also try some kind of rail, keep right and less painful. for ice and things get a stick on him and the band around it or something, or go to a pharmacy and buy votes:).
tie finger, which is consistent with the joint of the toe next to him and has a split, if you do not bend the knee (flat hand) in line. Ice for 20 minutes every 1 / 2 hours and take 400 mg IBprofin (anti-inflammatory) every 6 hours
Apply an ice pack to reduce its swollen joints, inflammation ...
Try a little ice cream is my friend. If the swelling to reduce, just hope it is not broke dude.
Cut it off!
You have two right?
Ibuprofen should help.
Collision instead of a pillow.
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