Gas Monitors Stove Gas Left On For About 20 Minutes, Am I In Danger?

Stove gas left on for about 20 minutes, am I in danger? - gas monitors

When I evaporated with boiling water and forgot. I had no idea until the alarm of my apartment. I turn the alarm clock, but I'm in danger? I have the window open, but he feels comfortable here.

I do not know if I am experiencing the side effects of CO or Psyching just me out.

I could be worse if I feel, but I leave my apartment if I have to fight against the gas?


Laurence W said...

If it does not smell, you are not in danger. The question is whether the gas is not burning. Do not use fans, the spark is possible to open the doors and windows.

ZRX1200 said...

Open your window and let stand for 30 minutes, it should work. If your'm very worried about this, you can replace a fan in the window for another 30 minutes until the air in the APT to fresh air from outside.

ZRX1200 said...

Open your window and let stand for 30 minutes, it should work. If your'm very worried about this, you can replace a fan in the window for another 30 minutes until the air in the APT to fresh air from outside.

hawk1151 said...

If nothing happens now that you are good. poen through the window. fresh air outside for a walk. Dizziness disappears.

Donna <>< said...

Open the doors and turn on exhaust fans and open windows. It would not be from the fresh air.

Ƨʈɸѝєᴙ ©ħǃɔК said...

Open the window and go for a while. Put some fans or something, and it should go!

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