Heated Bird Perch My Bird Is Too Cold, What Should I Do?

My bird is too cold, what should I do? - heated bird perch

My baby parakeet is too cold. I leave the cage on the deck of the cage during the day and night, but still covers him down constantly. He sits on the neck, where it is warm. A heat lamp for reptiles do the trick? How are bird sanctuaries and heated coat hanger?


Emma said...

My parakeet has a little fuzzy "includes a unique" in this - is like a tunnel, and form a triangle. Or you can get heated perches, but they are big birds like the African gray, so I think he works for a parakeet. Lol. : D

Becca said...

is the temperature in your house hot or cold? Perhaps you should check the water heater. Where is the cage? Be sure not anywhere near the window. Move the bird in a warm room. You can also use a lamp that emits infrared heat only.

lemmie see yo hips swinggg♥ said...

It can put a fire on him, but make sure that the 18 or more inches away from him! or the bird would be more heated.

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